ASEAN and China, RoK, Japan, India discuss on strengthening tourism cooperation

In the framework of the 46th Meeting of ASEAN National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) and related meetings, the 31st meeting of ASEAN+3 NTOs took place in Vinh Phuc Province (Vietnam) on July 26, ​with the participation of leaders of NTOs of ASEAN, China, RoK and Japan.
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China, Japan and Republic of Korea (RoK) are strategic partners and leading source markets of Southeast Asia tourism.

Tourist exchanges among ASEAN and China, Japan, RoK have been increasing in recent years. In addition, various exciting activities and events have been organized to deepen the mutual understanding.

asean and china rok japan india discuss on strengthening tourism cooperation
Leaders of NTOs of ASEAN, China, RoK and Japan at the event. (

The delegates recognized that Asia is a potential market with the rapid growth in the number of middle and high-end class tourists.

At the meeting, the delegates reviewed outcomes of the implementation of ASEAN+3 Tourism Cooperation Plan 2007-2017; discussed the draft plan of ASEAN+3 tourism cooperation for the period 2018-2020, and the draft minutes of the 31st meeting of ASEAN+3 NTOs.

The representative of Thailand delegation informed that the 32nd meeting of ASEAN+3 NTOs will be held on January 24, 2018 in Chiang Mai (Thailand) within the framework of ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2018.

Also on this day, the 2nd meeting of ASEAN-China NTOs was organized to review outcomes of the special meeting of ASEAN-China NTOs held in March 2017 in Manila, Philippines; discuss about some activities ASEAN-China Tourism Cooperation Year 2017 and preparation for the closing ceremony of this event.

At the 18th meeting of ASEAN-India Tourism Working Group on the afternoon of July 26, the delegates reviewed outcomes of the 17th meeting in January 2017 in Singapore; the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between ASEAN and India on Strengthening Tourism Cooperation; discussed cooperation plans between ASEAN and India in the coming time.

The 19th meeting of ASEAN-India Tourism Working Group is due to take place on January 23, 2018 in Chiang Mai within the framework of ATF 2018.

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