Turkey considered Vietnam as a reliable partner in Southeast Asian region

On October 16, the Turkish Embassy in Vietnam hosted a press conference entitled "Enterprising and humanitarian Turkish Foreign Policy & Turkish - Vietnamese cooperation" at the 40th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations.
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The press conference was chaired by the Turkish Ambassador to Vietnam Akif Ayhan. He briefed to the press about the Turkish foreign policy which is based on the words of its founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: “Peace at Home, Peace in the World.” Turkey pursues an “enterprising and humanitarian foreign policy”, which encompasses all the regions and partners around Turkey and beyond. To promote stability and prosperity in the country's proximity and in farther areas, Turkey takes concrete initiatives. 

turkey considered vietnam as a reliable partner in southeast asian region
Turkish Ambassador to Vietnam Akif Ayhan. (Photo: Q.D)

The initiatives comprise of: strengthening regional security and stability; fighting against terrorism; protecting the rights of Turkish citizens; deepening strategic ties; enhancing trade networks and energy security; fostering ties with all countries and territories; cooperation within regional and international organizations; improving soft power.

Turkey is also a very active member in multilateral organizations such as G-20, Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Developing Eight (D-8), Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States as well as MIKTA (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, Australia) grouping, among others. 

Turkey is following with keen interest the ascendancy of Asia-Pacific region in international affairs and believes that Southeast Asia is one of the key driving forces of the  emerging dynamics.  Despite the geographical distance, Turkey attaches particular importance to expanding and boosting her relations and partnership with the Southeast Asian countries along with ASEAN as a whole. 

Turkish diplomatic presence has been reinforced with new missions and as of 2018, Turkey has Embassies in all ASEAN capitals. Moreover, with the precious support of Vietnam, Turkey became ASEAN’s Sectoral Dialogue Partner in 2017, which represents a landmark step towards closer institutional connections with this part of the world.

At bilateral level, the Vietnam-Turkey relations thrive on a positive ground and agenda. This year, Turkey and Vietnam celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations. Turkey considers Vietnam as a reliable partner in South East Asia as well as on multilateral platforms. 

Both countries have comparable approaches in foreign policy and an excellent acquis in mutual support for candidatures at international organizations. Turkey will stand by Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council for the term 2020-2021.

The close relations between the two countries are highlighted by the constant official state-level visit made by Mr. Binali Yildirim, former Turkish Prime Minister to Vietnam in August 2017 and by Chairwoman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan in October 2018.

The Ambassador also highlighted that Vietnam and Turkey should promote reciprocal cultural, tourism and business exchanges by easing up any visa restrictions, which will make travel in both directions smoother.

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