Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; strengthen ties with Thailand, Lithuania

WVR - Review on a number of news headlines on external affairs from October 23-29 by The World and Vietnam Report.
Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
Argentine President Mauricio Macri tries his hand at playing a Vietnamese traditional music instrument during his Vietnam visit in 2019 (Photo: VNA)

Leaders’ activities

On October 25, President Vo Van Thuong and Argentinian President Alberto Angel Fernandez exchanged letters of congratulations on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties (October 25, 1973-2023). The same day, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son also exchanged congratulations with his Argentinian counterpart Santiago Andres Cafiero.

On October 24, receiving Sen. Lt. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, President Vo Van Thuong pledged favourable conditions for Vietnam - Cuba defence cooperation. As the global situation remains complex, bilateral defence cooperation is of importance, he went on, adding that the Vietnamese Party and State always provide the best possible conditions for the Vietnamese ministry to coordinate, share opinions, and cooperate with its Cuban counterpart in the areas matching their capabilities and demand.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
President Vo Van Thuong hosts Chief of General Staff of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces: President Vo Van Thuong (R) welcomes Sen. Lt. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, in Hanoi on October 24. (Photo: VNA)

On October 27, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Governor of Japan’s Gunma prefecture Yamamoto Ichita on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties this year. Both sides shared the view that the bilateral extensive strategic partnership is in a strong and comprehensive development phase with high political trust. Japan is now the top economic partner, the biggest supplier of official development assistance (ODA), the second largest partner in labour, the third biggest partner in investment and tourism, and the fourth biggest in trade of Vietnam.

On October 27, receiving World Bank Country Director in Vietnam Carolyn Turk, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh uggested that the WB consider various flexible funding methods and models to meet Vietnam's diverse needs, give priority to key projects in the development of strategic transport infrastructure, such as the North-South high-speed railway, the Ho Chi Minh City-Can Tho and the Hanoi-Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park railways. Other priorities include renewable energy, smart agriculture, low-carbon emission, digital transformation, and climate change adaptation in the Mekong Delta, he said.

On October 27, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Mathias Cormann, on the occasion of his attendance at the OECD-Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023 the OECD and activities within the framework of Co-Chairship of the OCED Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP) being held for the second consecutive in Hanoi. The Prime Minister welcomed the OECD's approval of the Indo-Pacific Strategy in June and wished that the OECD and the Secretary-General would continue their support for the region by allocating resources to enhance regional cooperation. Prime Minister Chinh proposed that the two sides further intensify their substantive and effective cooperation.

On October 26, receiving Vice President of International Public Policy & Government Affairs at Amazon Susan Pointer, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh proposed Amazon share its expertise with Vietnam in developing e-commerce, cross-border trade and cloud computing, assist the country in training the workforce in e-commerce, business management, logistics, system optimisation, and support small and medium-sized enterprises in digital transformation, branding, and joining in global supply chains.

On the occasion of Mr. Robert Fico being elected Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic and Mr. Peter Pellegrini being elected Chairman of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, on October 26, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue sent a congratulatory message. On the same day, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son sent a congratulatory message to Mr. Juraj Blanár on the occasion of being elected Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

On October 25, at the reception for Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, who was on an official visit to Vietnam from October 25-26, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and Thailand elevate their strategic partnership to a new height. Prime Minister Chinh acknowledged Parnpree's selection of Vietnam for his first overseas trip after his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand, saying he believes that the visit will contribute to deepening of the strategic partnership. The Prime Minister reiterated the invitation to his Thai counterpart to pay an official visit to Vietnam in 2024, during which they will co-chair the 4th Vietnam-Thailand Joint Cabinet Meeting.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
PM Pham Minh Chinh receives Chief Economist of US Department of State: Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and Chief Economist at the US Department of State Emily Blanchard. (Photo: VNA)

On October 25, receiving US State Department Chief Economist Emily Blanchard who was visiting Vietnam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said Vietnam and the US should further promote the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in a more effective and substantive manner, focusing cooperation in economics - trade - investment, science - technology, innovation, digital transformation, semiconductor chip production, and high quality human resources training. The Prime Minister highly valued the US Government's decision to consider recognising Vietnam's market economy status, urging the US side to complete this process soon.

On October 25, receiving Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh highlighted the first foreign minister-level visit between the two countries since they established diplomatic ties in 1992, and expressed his belief that it will be a milestone contributing to promoting the bilateral relations in various fields. Prime Minister Chinh suggested the two sides enhance all-level delegation exchanges to raise political trust and mutual understanding and create a foundation to reinforce and expand bilateral cooperation in all fields. In that spirit, he asked Landsbergis to convey invitations from high-ranking Vietnamese leaders to the President and the Prime Minister of Lithuania to visit Vietnam.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis, Ha Noi, October 25, 2023. (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

On October 25, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Anthony Capuano, President and CEO of Marriott International Inc, the US hotel operator, franchisor and licensor. Prime Minister Chinh suggested Marriott continue expanding its investment in the field of tourism, and hotel and resort services with large-scale projects that match Vietnam's conditions. He urged the Group to cooperate with Vietnam in training and developing high-quality human resources meeting international standards; connect Vietnamese tourism with the region and the world; help Vietnam diversify tourism products and supply chains and improve management capacity in the tourism industry; and support the country in restoring and developing tourism and air transport in the coming time.

On October 24, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Chairman of John Swire & Sons Limited Guy Bradley, welcoming the UK-headquartered firm’s continuous expansion of investment and business activities in Vietnam. He called on the over-200-year Swire Group to continue expanding its operations in such sectors as aviation, trade and industry, logistics, real estate, health care, and the production, distribution and retail network in Vietnam; develop human resources, especially high-quality ones; and consider cooperating with local universities and vocational schools.

On October 24, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received United Nations Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pauline Tamesis, on the occasion of the 78th founding anniversary of the UN (October 24). The Prime Minister affirmed Vietnam's strong and consistent support for multilateralism with the UN playing the central role and with global, comprehensive, and all-encompassing solutions that advocate dialogue and cooperation, promote international solidarity, adhere to the UN Charter and international law, and place people at the centre. Vietnam is ready to share its experiences, actively contribute more to the UN’s common work and the settlement of major global issues for the sake of peace, security, cooperation, and sustainable development worldwide.

On October 23, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh sent a message of congratulations to Robert Beugré Mambé on the occasion of his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son extended his congratulations to Kacou Houadja Léon Adom regarding his appointment as Minister of State, Foreign Affairs, African Integration and the Diaspora of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.

On October 27, receiving Chairman of the Korean-based SK Group Chey Tae-won, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed that NA wants to create a favourable legal corridor for investment, production, and business activities of domestic and foreign firms in Vietnam. He suggested SK make further contributions to Vietnam’s economic growth and team up with Vietnam in the nation’s processes of energy transition and carbon emission reduction toward the net-zero goal for 2050.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue receives Chairman of SK Group Chey Tae-won in Hanoi: Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (R) and Chairman of the Korean-based SK Group Chey Tae-won at their meeting in Hanoi on October 27, 2023. (Photo: VNA)

On October 26, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023 was organized under the theme “Sustainable and Quality Investment: New Momentum for OECD- Southeast Asia Partnership”. The Forum drew the participation of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, OCED Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and more than 200 ministers, deputy ministers, Ambassadors and representatives from 48 OECD member states and Southeast Asian countries, and many scholars, experts and business community.

Highlighting Vietnam’s socio-economic development achievements after nearly four decades of “Doi moi” (Renewal), Deputy Prime Minister Quang reaffirmed that foreign investment is an important component of the Vietnamese economy, and the Vietnamese Government is committed to accompanying investors to protect their legitimate rights, and create a sound business climate for them to expand production and business in Vietnam.

From October 25-26, at the invitation of President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha led the Vietnamese delegation to attend the Global Gateway Forum organized by the European Union (EU) in Belgium. The Deputy Prime Minister has meetings with EC President Ursula von der Leyen; EC Vice President, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, EU Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra. The Deputy Prime Minister called on the EU member countries to soon ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVFTA), fully implement the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in a bid to further boost bilateral trade and investment. The Deputy Prime Minister also urged the EC to consider removal of the "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood exports.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha meets EC President Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha witnessed the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam and the European Investment Bank. (Source: VGP)

On October 26, receiving State Secretary of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research Dominique Paravicini, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai spoke highly of Switzerland's support for Vietnam in times of hardship, especially in terms of ODA funding for poverty reduction, urban development, and investment. He affirmed that the Vietnamese Government is committed to providing favourable conditions for Swiss companies to expand their long-term investment and business operations in the country, particularly in areas of Switzerland’s strengths and Vietnam’s demand such as finance-banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and high-tech agriculture.

Activities of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

On October 27, receiving Special Advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Alliance Tsutomu Takebe, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son thanked Special Advisor for his attachment and continued efforts in consolidating and strengthening Vietnam-Japan relations through practical activities such as the building of Vietnam-Japan University and the promotion of cooperation in the fields of labour and internship. He also lauded Takebe's coordination with Quang Ninh province to organise the Hokkaido Festival in Ha Long in November with a range of activities including cultural exchanges and events promoting investment, trade, agriculture, labour and tourism.

On October 26, on the occasion of the OECD - Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son received Minister of State of the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Anne-Marie Trevelyan. The Foreign Minister asked the UK to continue to cooperate effectively with Vietnamese partners in the process of implementing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) framework, throughout support for experience, technology, and human resource training.

On October 26, Foreign Minister Son hosted a reception for Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Tsuji Kiyoto who was in Hanoi for the OECD – Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum. Foreign Minister Son suggested State Minister Tsuji and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs closely coordinate to advance the Vietnam-Japan relationship to a new height by increasing high-level exchanges and contacts; strengthening collaboration between ministries, agencies and localities; maintaining cooperation in economy, investment and official development assistance (ODA); and beefing up partnerships in new fields like green transition, digital transformation and emission reduction.

On October 26, receiving Mr. Mathias Cormann, Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son suggested the OECD give more policy recommendations to Vietnam, focusing on such areas as global minimum tax, carbon emission reduction, environmental protection, high technology, semiconductor manufacturing, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence (AI).

On October 26, at their talks, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara agreed to work to elevate their countries’ strategic partnership to a new height. Minister Son hailed the importance of his guest’s official visit to the extensive cooperation between the two countries as well as between the two Foreign Ministries amid the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Parnpree affirmed that Vietnam is a close friend and one of the leading partners of Thailand in the region, expressing his hope for stronger ties between the two Foreign Ministries.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
At the invitation of Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara pays an official visit to Vietnam from October 25-26, 2023. (Photo: WVR/Tuan Anh)

On October 25, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son held talks with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis who was in Hanoi for an official visit to Vietnam and attendance at the OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum. Foreign Minister Son spoke highly of the trip by Minister Landsbergis, the first foreign ministerial-level visit between the two countries since Vietnam and Lithuania established diplomatic relations in 1992, saying that this is an important milestone to create new momentum to further strengthen the bilateral relations. Minister Son affirmed that Vietnam always treasures and wishes to strengthen all-around cooperation with Lithuania.

On October 25, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has written an article on the half-century cooperation and development toward the future between Vietnam and Argentina, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties (October 25, 1973 - 2023).

Bilateral activities

On October 26, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet and Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Soeung Rathchavy co-chaired the 8th political consultation between the two Foreign Ministries in the Cambodian city of Preah Sihanouk. They agreed to continue with thorough preparations for high-level visits and important cooperation mechanisms in the near future, and work closely with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to carry out high-level agreements.

In an interview with The World & Vietnam Report on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Argentina (October 25, 1973 - 2023), Argentinian Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino has expressed his hope that the bilateral relationship will further thrive in the time ahead. Vietnamese Ambassador to Argentina Duong Quoc Thanh valued the Vietnam-Argentina relationship as a typical South-South cooperative relationship.

From October 23-25, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang paid a working visit to Corsica. The Ambassador had a meeting with Mr. Alexandre Vinciguerra, Permanent Member of the Corsican Executive Council, President of the Corsica Development Agency. The same day, Ambassador Thang had a working session with Stéphane Sbraggia, Mayor of Ajaccio city of Corsica, establishing relationships between Ajaccio and Vietnamese localities and potential areas of cooperation between the two sides.

Multilateral activities

On October 27, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang and Acting Managing Director of Asia and Pacific of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Paola Pampaloni co- chaired the 4th meeting of the Vietnam - EU Joint Committee to implement the EU-Vietnam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) in Brussels. At the meeting, the two sides informed each other about their respective socio-economic situation and foreign policies, comprehensively evaluated Vietnam - EU cooperation, especially in collaboration frameworks such as the defence - security dialogue, the trade committee of the Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), activities of specialised subcommittees in the Vietnam - EU Joint Committee.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
Vietnam, EU hold 4th meeting of Joint Committee in Brussels: Participants at the 4th meeting of the Vietnam - EU Joint Committee in Brussels on October 27, 2023. (Photo: WVR)

On October 27, within the framework of the OECD - Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023, with more than 150 delegates, the Vietnam-OECD Investment Forum took place in Hanoi, offering an opportunity for Vietnam to discuss with foreign investors and experts the renovation of strategies to attract investment in the new period. Attending the Forum were Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang, along with Ambassadors, leaders of ministries and branches from member countries, international organizations, experts and numerous representatives of the domestic and foreign business community attended in person and online.

From October 26-27, within the framework of the OECD-Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023 in Hanoi, in an interview to The World and Vietnam Report, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cambodia Sok Puthyvuth has expressed his belief in the development prospects for sustainable development cooperation between OECD countries and Southeast Asia, as well as the potential for coordination to promote the telecommunications sector between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen ties with Thailand, Lithuania

From October 26-27, the OECD - Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum 2023 takes place in Hanoi. (Photo: WVR/Tuan Anh)

On October 26-27, at the UN General Assembly’s 10th Emergency Special Session held in New York, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, expressed great concern at the current escalating situation in the Middle East and extended his deep condolences to the families of victims of recent attacks. He also emphasised the need for all parties to comply with international law, international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, cease fire, release hostages immediately, and stop and restrain acts of violence. Vietnam calls for urgent humanitarian assistance, especially water, food, and medicine, for people in the Gaza Strip, and relevant parties need to make efforts to support and create conditions for humanitarian relief operations, he said.

From October 25-26, the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP9) to the International Convention against Doping in Sport took place at UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France. Ambassador Le Thi Hong Van, Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to UNESCO and representative of the Secretariat of the Vietnam National Committee for UNESCO attended the meeting. Vietnam commits strengthening cooperation with national, regional and global anti-doping organisations to develop a sport industry of honesty, fairness and cleanliness, and free of doping, Ambassador Van has said.

On October 26, Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Hang received Ms. Laurel E. Miller, President of The Asia Foundation (TAF) on her first visit to Vietnam as President of TAF. Deputy Minister Nguyen Minh Hang affirmed that the Government of Vietnam always accompanies TAF and foreign non-governmental organizations operating in Vietnam for development goals and humanitarian aid, coordinate well with authorities during the implementation of aid and humanitarian activities.

On October 25, speaking on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at the UN Security Council (UNSC)’s open debate on women, peace and security, titled “Women’s participation in international peace and security: From theory to practice”, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the United Nations, said that ASEAN considers the implementation of the UNSC’s agenda on women, peace and security (Resolution 1325) an important part in guaranteeing sustainable peace and prosperity in the region. ASEAN commits to ensuring gender equality and protecting women’s right, the Ambassador emphasized.

On October 25, senior officials from Vietnam and seven other Southeast Asian nations, and representatives from United Nations agencies and international organisations looked into civil registration, legal identity documentation, and the prevention of statelessness at a roundtable in Hanoi. The event was jointly held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) with the aim of enhancing efforts by countries in addressing statelessness. In his remarks, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu stressed the need for Southeast Asian nations to tighten their coordination in preventing and reducing statelessness nationally, regionally and globally, saying it will help to better manage the population and migration, as well as protect and promote human rights.

On October 24, at the meeting of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) within the UN General Assembly’s 78th session, Minister Counsellor and deputy head of the Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the UN Nguyen Hoang Nguyen has stated that ASEAN supports the role of the United Nations (UN), especially its General Assembly, in ensuring that the use of outer space serves peaceful purposes and the collective benefit of humanity. The diplomat held that accessing the outer space is an inalienable right of all states and that ASEAN shares the international community’s concerns over the possibility of an arms race in the outer space, the fragility of the space environment and the increasing probability of collisions due to increased space debris.

On October 24, speaking at an open debate on the Middle East situation with a focus on the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Hamas movement at the UN General Assembly, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), called on all sides to immediately cease fire, exercise maximum restraint, respect international humanitarian law and apply all necessary measures to protect people's lives, including ensuring the safety of and immediate release of all hostages, minimising damage to essential civilian infrastructure in line with the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2573.

On October 24, addressing the Side Event named “Preparation of the 125th Anniversary of the Permanent Court of Arbitration: Reflections on the Timor-Leste/Australia Conciliation, five years after the first-ever UNCLOS Conciliation”, on the occasion of the UN International Law Week with the sponsorship of the Members of the Core Group – the Permanent Missions to the UN of the Philippines, Australia, Egypt, Guatemala, Hungary, Thailand, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), has said Vietnam wishes to become a new venue chosen by parties to solve international disputes in the region and the world.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson

On October 26, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' regular press conference, in response to request to provide information on the situation of Vietnamese citizens in the Israel-Hamas conflict area, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang stressed that Vietnamese citizens in Israel are still safe amidst complicated developments in the Middle East. The Vietnamese Embassy in Israel has maintained regular and close contact with representatives of the Vietnamese community in conflict-affected areas to continuously update information, and asked local authorities to ensure safety for Vietnamese citizens, while preparing necessary citizen protection measures.

Other activities

On October 25, the 15th East Sea International Conference themed “Luminate the Grey, Light Up the Green” opened in Ho Chi Minh City in hybrid format, with more than 200 delegates attending in person while nearly 250 others participate via teleconferencing. In his key speech at the opening session, Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet said that over the past 15 years, the East Sea Conference series has provided an open, candid, friendly environment for regional and international experts to come together to advance mutual understanding, and narrow differences. The Deputy Foreign Minister said he hopes that in the next 15 years, the dialogue will further evolve into a key region-wide maritime security forum, one that is open, inclusive and innovative in nature, a meeting point and hub of interests spanning from the “Indo” to the “Pacific” and beyond.

Review on external affairs from Oct.23-29: 50 years of Vietnam-Argentina ties; OECD-SEA Ministerial Forum; Strengthen cooperation with Thailand, Lithu
15th East Sea Conference “Luminate the Grey, Light Up the Green” opened in Ho Chi Minh City: Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet addresses the event. (Photo: WVR/DN)

On October 23, at the Ministry's Headquarters, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc, who is also Head of the Steering Committee for Citizen Protection work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, chaired an emergency meeting in a hybrid format to discuss the issue of citizen protection for Vietnamese citizens in a conflict-affected areas amid the current escalating tension in the Middle East. Attending the meeting were Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Hang and Assistant Minister Nguyen Minh Vu, relevant units of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ambassadors, officials from Vietnamese Representative Missions in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which concurrently accredited to the State of Palestine.

Review on external affairs from Sept.11-18: New chapter in Vietnam-US ties, PM’s attendance at CAEXPO, CABIS; 9th Young Parliamentarians Conference
Review on external affairs from Sept.25-Oct.1: Cultivation of Vietnam-Cuba special relations; Positive development momentum in Vietnam-China relations
Review on external affairs from Oct. 2-8: Belgian Chamber of Representatives supports Vietnamese AO victims; Honoring President Ho Chi Minh
Review on external affairs from Oct.9-15: Chairman of Russian State Duma’s visit to Vietnam; Bringing Vietnam-Japan ties to new heights
Review on external affairs from Oct.16-22: President’s successful trip to attend 3rd BRF; new cooperation with Saudi Arabia